2/10 Terrible
25 Mar 2025
Disliked: Cleanliness, amenities, property conditions & facilities
On arrival it did not appear that my room had been cleaned as evidenced by trash in the bin, dirty coffee mug and spoon (single in a room with double occupancy). There was no toilet paper. Took me some time before I discovered the light switch the door. But then to my horror it only illuminated the absolute filth and grime of the toilet. The room was stifling hot. No hangers in the robe. Clutter in dresser top drawer. Bedside had curled up slippers in top drawer & horrific stains in the bottom one. Bed was disheveled, one pillow case half off. When finally contacted by agent (name never provided) I was advised that room was missed as there was a complete changeover of all 5 rooms that day. I repeatedly requested clean sheets be dropped off, even volunteered to make bed myself. They never arrived, and at that hour I could not source suitable alternative accommodation. This meant that I was forced to sleep sitting up in hard backed chair using my flight neck roll to support my neck. Consequently, I my sleep was limited & of very poor quality.