As I have had bad experiences with hotels before when I stayed, I usually do a full and thorough check of the room before I stay. Now, the staff, they were amazing. It the room was so bad when I got there, it had a musty, mold smell that permeated the room and on inspection, I found black mold under the end tables and spots of mold on the walls. I clean and detail my own car so I had cleaning supplies on hand, and took care of it since I was strapped for a place to stay, and there were no other openings elsewhere to fit my needs due to The Grape Jamboree, but the upkeep is absolutely atrocious. I did my best to address the situation, but even after cleaning, I ended up with a severe headache the last day and feeling under the weather. I have pictures of interested of what I cleaned, and can share that privately since I couldn’t figure out how to attach here.