There was spiders, dead bugs in the corner of room, smelled like mildew, lock broken on the door, and when we went out to the car to load our car it was infested with ants! We took the luggage that was in our car all night out to clean and some other visitors came out to the same thing on their car. Then another family came out to find d their car was infested too. There were millions of ants everywhere!!!! We had to go to a car wash pull everything out and clean the car because they were literally crawling on us. They were in the luggage, our baby’s car seat, When I went back to check out, the staff seemed to not be concerned and said, “I will definitely contact Eco Lab. Do you need a receipt for your stay?” She told my husband, “things happen.” We were staying on our way to Florida. I definitely don’t want to bring ants with me to my next stay.