I usually stay clear of motel 6, prices are usually good but because the prices are good , they tend to draw a crowd of characters that aren't as low-key as I prefer. Some motel 6 or far worse than others a lot of times depending on the area. This one was one of the best ones I've ever been to. The people that work there were friendl, happy, and , seem to have everything under control. The guest seem to be respectful of property, and eachother.Whatever they were up to I would have never known, because It wasn't put in my face. It's not about what you do it's about how you do it and I don't care what other people do at the hotel or don't do. As long as it doesn't disturb my peace. So this is definitely one that I would recommend and come back to. I've noticed workers at some of the other ones have really bad attitude, and I know that it's not them that they've developed that because of how they've been treated by the guests and how the guests treat their property. But at the end of the day it's their hotel and they have the right to tell somebody to leave or refuse to rent a room in the first place. Sometimes you have to take a little cut in money to get the point across and get the right crowd to start coming through and once they do the wrong crowd won't want to be there. I feel like that's what's happened here. And I can respect that! So I'd give it a 10.