I had an allergic reaction to the laundry soap they use to wash bedding, towels and such in. The staff at 1 at night when this incident started happening couldn't tell me what kind of soap it was. In the little "store" in the lobby there was no benadryl. And when I asked the night staff who wpuld know what kind of soap, they said that they could try and find out what kind of soap it was but would send "security/medical" to check on me. I work in the medical field and everything in our office that we use for anything, even it's just to clean something after hours, we have to have a sheet listening all chemicals, soaps and their ingredients. Furthermore the "security/medical" didnt even have benadryl in their bag of equipment. Granted they offered me an ambulance but it was not that kind of situation. When we told the night staff we were leaving at midnight, no compensation was offered, still hasnt been offered nor have I gotten a receipt that I have called and asked for. By the way when I called to ask for a receipt, they didn't ask how I was either.